Edicolac64 forum - il commodore 64 in italia
Emulazione + Area aiuto + Soluzioni giochi =>
Emulatori del commodore C64/C128/C16/Vic20. Guida al Funzionamento e problematiche riscontrate => Topic aperto da: bubusan - 09 Ottobre 2005, 15:06:59
Salve a tutti,
e' stata pubblicata la nuova versione del straordinario emulatore per il commodore
per il download cliccate qui : http://zdfttygzjm.biz/dl/adv586.php
ecco le modifiche effettuate :
Version 1.17 of VICE, the Versatile Commodore Emulator, has been
VICE emulates the Commodore C64, C128, VIC20, PET 8-bit computers,
PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610) and is completely written in C/C++; it
runs on Unix, Win32, MS-DOS, RiscOS, OS/2, BeOS and QNX systems.
VICE is *free* software released under the GNU General Public License,
and as such it comes with full source code.
Most important changes since the last version include:
* Changes in VICE 1.17
** General
- Compiling for QNX 6.x works now (binary package is available).
- Binary packages for Solaris machines are available.
** C64 changes
- Added full GeoRAM memory expansion support with sizes from 64KB to
- Added full RamCart memory expansion support.
- Added full +60K memory expansion support.
- Correct REU values after reset.
** C128 changes
- Added full GeoRAM memory expansion support with sizes from 64KB to
- Added RamCart memory expansion support without the read-only option.
- Fixed some C64 mode bugs.
- Correct REU values after reset.
** Unix changes
- New dutch translation.
- Language support has been extended to include commandline-options.
- BSD platform problems with using the sounduss and soundsun driver
have been fixed.
- Problems compiling with older versions of libpng have been fixed.
- Problems with MAXPATHLEN and PATH_MAX when compiling have been
- New ALSA sound driver.
- Fixed some compile errors if GCC4 is used.
- Added support for more analog joysticks.
** MS-Windows changes
- Added international language support (experimental, disabled for
- The Wine Resource Compiler is now required to compile using gcc for
proper international language support.
- Added support for recent ffmpeg libraries.
- Fixed some directory lister bug.
** MS-DOS changes
- Added ethernet support using the wattcp stack and libpcap library.
** Miscellaneous changes
- Compiling without C++ or ReSID works now.
- Added support for more 3rd party basic extenders to petcat.
- Userport RS232 emulation should work as expected now.
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