Autore Topic: Nuovo gioco per C64 : MAZEMAN  (Letto 2186 volte)


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Nuovo gioco per C64 : MAZEMAN
« il: 20 Giugno 2009, 23:41:19 »
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si trova il link per scaricare questo nuovo gioco di : Dr.Hirudo (Ventzislav Tzvetkov)

Istruzioni in inglese : MAZEMAN is a puzzle game for the Commodore C64. In the game you enter the mazezam on the left and you have to get to the exit on the right. To solve the puzzle you have to push rows of blocks left and right. If you get stuck you can retry the mazezam, but this will cost you a life. You can play this game with the keyboard or a joystick. There is also a verion of Mazezam for the Amiga, Apple II, Gameboy, Oric Atmos and the Sinclair.